
Showing posts from September, 2014


  早先太宰煮茶蛋,不过凑着记忆中的味道,随便挑些香料并茶叶,扔进大锅里胡乱 一煮,因早已将儿时的京城茶叶蛋的味道忘一精光,没的比对,所以也不觉得多么好吃或者多么难以下咽;后来,太宰虽一直苦于没有机会坠入悬崖深渊拜访世外高 人偷师学艺,却也自食其力觅得一茶蛋秘笈,仔细研读,方知茶叶蛋的味道也不是混煮出来的,些些配料都要搭档得宜,味道才能恰到好处。所谓齿颊留香,一枚茶 叶蛋也做得到的。 以下是制作传统五香茶叶蛋的材料: 步骤: 茶叶蛋要者二,一曰煮,一曰泡。煮要透,不可欠,不可过。以蛋黄完全凝固,但未变硬为佳。   泡要足,亦不可欠,不可过。欠则茶味缺,过则盐味强。

How to Create and Restore System Image Backups on Windows 8.1

We previously reported that the system image backup feature was removed in Windows 8.1 . This isn’t entirely true — while the graphical interface for creating system images was removed, you can still create system images with a PowerShell cmdlet. This is good news for system administrators, as it allows them to create and restore system image backups without switching to third-party tools like Norton Ghost. System images are different from recovery images created with recimg because they contain a full snapshot of the system’s hard drive, including user files and settings. Create a System Image Backup First, you’ll need to connect an external drive to your system, which will serve as the backup drive. You can also back up to a shared folder over the network. However, you can’t save the system image backup to the system drive or any other drives you’re backing up. Next, open a PowerShell window as administrator. To do so, press Windows Key + X and select Windows Pow...